Short Information :- Railway RRB Group D Exam Date 2022: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the exam date for recruitment to 103769 posts of Railway Group D (Level-1). After Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement of giving 10 government jobs in one and a half years, the recruitment exercise in the Railway Ministry has intensified. Under this, for the recruitment of more than 1 lakh Group D posts in Indian Railways, examinations will start in several phases across the country from July, which will end in September. In this, more than 80% posts are of Railway Protection category. The responsibility of bringing passenger trains safely rests on their shoulders.
For Railway RRB Group D Exam Date 2022, RRB Group D Exam Date 2022, Railway Group D Exam Date 2022 please Visit RojgarFind.Com Regularly. All the details of Railway RRB Group D Exam Date 2022 like application form, age, qualification and other are given in this post. For regularly updates of all latest government jobs please join our Telegram Group or WhatsApp Group.
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Railway RRB Group D Exam Date 2022
➡️ Railway Group D Joining जून 2023 तक नियुक्ति ⬅️
- ग्रुप डी के प्रमुख रूप से सुरक्षा से जुड़े कर्मचारियों की भर्ती होगी इसमें गैंगमैन, की-मेन, हेल्पर, खलासी, लाइनमैन, सिग्नल-ट्रैकमैन आदि है। इनकी अधिसूचना जनवरी 2019 में Advt No. CEN RRC 01/2019 के तहत जारी की गई थी। जून 2023 तक नियुक्ति करने का काम पूरा कर लिया जाएगा।
- Group D will be mainly recruited for security related employees, it includes Gangman, Key-man, Helper, Khalasi, Lineman, Signal-trackman etc. Their notification in January 2019 in Advt No. CEN was released under RRC 01/2019. The recruitment work will be completed by June 2023.
➡️ RRB Group D Exam Date तारीखों की घोषणा जल्द की जाएगी⬅️
- रेलवे बोर्ड के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने बताया कि ग्रुप डी में 103769 पद खाली हैं। RRB Group D कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (CBT) जुलाई के अंतिम सप्ताह में शुरू करना तय हुआ है। इसके लिए तारीखों की घोषणा जल्द होगी। सातवें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों के बाद ग्रुप डी को ग्रुप सी दर्जा दिया गया है हालांकि यह चतुर्थ श्रेणी यानी 1800 ग्रैड पे के कर्मचारी हैं।
- A senior Railway Board official said that 103769 posts are vacant in Group D. RRB Group D Computer Based Test (CBT) is scheduled to start in the last week of July. The dates for this will be announced soon. Group D has been given Group C status after the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, although it is the employees of class IV i.e. 1800 Grade Pay.
➡️ RRB Group D Exam in One Tier Only ⬅️
- अधिकारी ने बताया कि रेल्वे ग्रुप डी के खाली पदों पर भर्ती के लिए जून मे रेलवे भर्ती सेल (RRC) परीक्षा आयोजित कराएंगे। रेलवे के सभी 17 ज़ोन मे RRC है। यह परीक्षाएं देश भर में एक साथ 1 दिन होगी। जबकि अन्य खाली पदों पर भर्ती के लिए रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड परीक्षाएं आयोजित करवाते हैं। देश भर मे 21 RRB हैं।
- The official said that Railways will conduct the Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) examination in June for recruitment to the vacant posts of Group D. There is RRC in all the 17 zones of the railways. These examinations will be held simultaneously on 1 day across the country. Whereas for recruitment to other vacant posts, Railway Recruitment Board conducts examinations. There are 21 RRBs across the country.
Important Note⬅️
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